Friday, June 9, 2017

I finally completed this cable knit slouch hat I've been laboring on for what seems like an eternity. I've been knitting for years now, but when I had the stroke, I had to relearn - everything, thus pretty much start from scratch.

Luckily I frequent several local knitting groups. They are everywhere. Just google to find one in your area. Usually free and full of fellow knitters and crocheters who are at various levels in skill. Often many will share what they know and vice versa, you can share what you know.

These groups are a treasure. You don't have to join, just show up. Which is great, considering I'm not a joiner.

My whole family knits and crochets. Husband and son too.  My daughter is really talented with yarn. Impressively, she often assists others, who are mostly her elder in some complicated technique. I'm amazed at her abilities.

And my husband, just last night. I was begging him to come to bed. Having been in bed since that mornings dialysis I grew impatient close to midnight as I still awaited his company.

10 pm, 11 pm, midnight, "just one more row honey, then I'll come to bed". Meanwhile, I'm like, "are you serious?!"

I'm thankful we all have a hobby in common. And most of my friends (and growing relationships) have yarn in common. It really has been a great stress reliever as I cope with this disease - which sometimes I define as dreadful when feeling pessimistic or even depressed.

Now that I completed the cable hat, I need to self-discipline and complete other  stored UFO's (unfinished objects). So far, I'm off to a good start.

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