Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sigh! Finally. A leader of quality character spoke. Addressed the nation as a whole, without divisive intent. Immediately I felt a sense of peace, love and calm. Obama!!!!

Elegantly spoken with complete, comprehensive sentences and usage of pronoun "WE" instead of, [initially lowercase for smallness] -"me". Unifying language used.  What a breath of fresh air to hear HOPE. To hear unity. To hear intelligence. To hear an optimistic approach to how we, as a nation (regardless our individual politics, religion or race) proceed forward.

Obviously I'm shedding my stance on respectfully keeping my beliefs private. From here forward, I will not be silent. No longer afraid of those who may desire sameness in their relationships.

I had enough with the years of US vs THEM.

I've stomached through a great deal of idiocy, ignorance, insanity and self-righteous ugliness. Over the past few years - daily, hour-by-hour divisive horrors. Way before this pandemic, etc. Many of us will need intensive therapy for PTSD, mental illnesses caused by all the trauma(s) from being lead by the guy in office.

Through it all, those of republican/conservative/Pro-Trump ideologies. They've all remained stoically silent.

I'm sure the bully has even bullied the crickets into silence. But the god-fearing party who criticized and was uncivilized towards Obama, I would expect they'd speak up to the guy they chose.

I wonder, if those who voted for this guy, and made their voice heard on a regular. Why the ghosting? I mean, if they were honest with themselves, the truth, the ugly truth for the reasons for settling for such a .... I don't know how I can politely describe.  Just feel in the blank for yourselves.

 My point is. Once time permits, or even in your head. List the behaviors & tweets of 44 juxtaposed to 45. Make a list so you can have more of a visual. Then, self-evaluate and the real reasons you chose to vote, thus here we are now. A nation fearing for its life on a daily basis. 100,000 plus deaths and counting. Science, reason and intelligence has been threatened and bullied into silence.

Who's behavior would you want a child to mirror (44 or 45)? Does the color of the leaders skin  factor in you decision? Did it factor in your 2016 vote?

Before your votes were cast. Did any of you think critically on What Would Jesus (or messiah of choice) Do? While righteously condoning all the evils we've all been subjected, think to yourselves if Obama had us in this mess, and future messes that will negatively affect/infect generations to come, would you be silent?

Now those of us who are innocent, meaning. Had no say so as to who is currently leading us all through this. We all have to suffer. Some of us more than others. The viruses of Covid and Racism. Both rapidly destroying, devastating, devouring those that are, by no choice of their own. Born colored.

Thankfully the world is proving that white superiority is dated and dying out. It's not cool. Look at the sea of multicolored protesters. You are pretty much alone in your hate. Those of good conscious have outnumbered those of bad. For it is character that is superior. And leaders like Obama, the governors and mayors; quality politicians who are peacefully navigating us all (regardless of our politics/religion/race) through this nightmare.

May we, together as humanity - Make America Great From Here On. For it was never "great" for everyone. Today, there is Hope.

I rejoice in diversity. The unity filling the streets across the nation, across the world makes breathing easier.

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