Friday, September 16, 2016

Weeks ago, I was unexpectedly hospitalized. Was reluctant to be transported via ambulance from dialysis unit (where emergency occurred). Instead, my husband took me straight to the ER immediately following treatment.

Emergency was, I was having chest discomforts (tightening, difficulty breathing) during dialysis. Pain persisted for duration with no ease.

Fear rose as I remembered what happened just a year ago around this time. Same thing. Chest discomforts (but worse then) while at dialysis. That time, unit nurses exercised typical protocol. 911 called. Later, emergency workers, ended up surrounding my dialysis chair examining me.

From there, I was rushed (sirens blaring) straight to the hospital, my husband (who is always present through treatments) followed behind. *Just imagine the horror I was thinking and feeling during this frantic journey. How was my husband (of over 20 years) was thinking and feeling...

There, in the ER, and eventually hospitalized for days, several test were administered only to discover I had an aortic aneurysm. Since then, the "new" condition has been routinely monitored by my cardiologist.

This time, I was quietly worried. "Had heart issue worsened to the point of impending emergency surgery or worse, I wondered".  Coupled with concerns of, "oh my! How much will all this cost? We can't afford even more medical bills at this time".  We are drowning in medical debt from hospitalizations, prescriptions, doctor visits ($60.00 per visit), etc. And I'm not on disability or anything else, meaning, we are barely surviving on one income.

These thoughts kept me from initially admitting the pain I was in or, letting the dialysis staff call 911. At that time, the debt was more of a concern to me than my life. Patiently, my dear husband sat there beside me. "It's okay honey. Don't worry about the cost. Your life is more important".

The more sensible I became, fortunately. My primary focus slowly became for my well being. And the void my possible absence would grieve my husband and kids; plus others who may feel genuine love & affection for me.

Well, this ER visit, like the previous resulted in several necessary (but expensive) test and evaluations ~blood test, CT/CAT scans, EKG's, Stress test, Ultrasound, plus an extra dialysis treatment (due to the fluids injected during test. So I ended up having three dialysis treatments back-to-back - That Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) etc. Few days, hospitalized. And thankfully, everything came back negative. Slowly, but surely closer to wellness now.

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