Monday, January 23, 2017

It has been over a week since my stitches and staples have been removed following  fistula surgery. Remember, beginning of this year I had surgery on the aneurysm that had developed as a result of sticking huge, painful needles in my arm three times a week for necessary treatments. Enormous, grotesque knots develop, thus surgery.

During the election, I was hospitalized due to a fistula infection. This was not the cause of the recent surgery but infection had to be treated prior to surgery. 

There has been a long wait to get back in the pool. I just had my first swim lesson over the summer and have been swimming {every non-dialysis day} since. So, I'm anxious for doctors to approve me to get back into the water. And of course, I'll soon be blogging about this joyous experience. 


  1. Looking forward to Tales From the Big Pool again!

  2. Okay, will write more. Getting back into the swing again. Been going every non dialysis day and its been great.
