Monday, June 13, 2016

Recently stumbled upon thoughtful letters sent to me over the years following my daughters death. Included with these letters are notes of well wishes during my medical challenges. Accompanied are random "thinking of you" letters as well. While browsing through some, I thought of the power of kindness and how much priceless gestures can facilitate healing. After so many years, comfort is still found even after I learned how to live again.

I keep every note someone leaves me. Even ones left on my vehicle - "Sage, I saw your car parked here and thought I'd drop you a note". I often think of others and I love being (and knowing) I'm thought of. Wow, am I sentimental or what. It's like, "express how you feel about me while I'm still breathing". Roses now please.
"I think every time a dialysis patient arrives to their treatment (after two day period) weighing in appropriately, confetti and balloons should instantly drop over their individual chair -- especially on days when monthly lab report is excellent. Maintaining a rigorous and disciplined dietary routine can be a chore. Achieving success is celebration worthy." ~Sage