Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Oh my gawd! My eleven year old, "tomboy" daughter is showing interest in dresses!

Today, we browsed through our local Ross (a store that attracts shoppers similar to me - frugal). My daughter, has now reached that age of acquiring enjoyment in malls and shopping. So, since I comfortably regained my driving privileges and abilities  (ceased for over a year due to 2014 health change), she and I have been exploring ~ frequenting our usual fun & affordable places -- library, farmers market, parks, craft (yarn and fabric) stores... but now also, gym AND the malls.

I've never really been into malls. In my youth, there were certain malls my girlfriends and I would walk through to "boy watch" innocently, but other than that, that was about it. I've never been cool or hip or in the know with the latest fashions or trends. The boy thing was more like a group-think and follow which is something I hope my daughter is too busy with more important things to catch.

We were roaming the store with an eye out for size 12 women's shoes for rapidly growing feet. She has tons of size men's eleven masculine shoes. Absolutely nothing in terms of clothes or shoes feminine, not that anything is wrong with that. We let her be herself. We go with the flow as long as she is respectful and productive; of quality character. Admittedly, there was a time when I would squeeze her into girly clothes. Even then, she'd protest, but I had a bit more control then. There were just so many cute dresses that were hard to resist. But that only last for a short time. Most of her life has been, wearing her older brothers clothes. Or we'd purchase more masculine clothes that she was interested in - if they were on sale.

So now, finally was the day. A day I didn't think would come so suddenly. My baby girl is becoming a woman. With typical womanly interest - dresses. Pretty dresses. Yellow has always been her favorite color. I hesitantly pointed out a lovely "yellow" dress after seeing her grabbing cute little age-appropriate dresses. She liked! I stood there startled. Still shocked, wondering what I was going to do knowing I had zero dollars. Excited, I let her try on the dresses. At least I could photograph this moment. Share it with my few friends, after first texting her dad and big brother, of course.

She came out the dressing room looking like a princess in my eyes. I was already too exhausted from our busy-fun day to shed tears. Earlier we worked out at the gym. But this priceless moment was documented on film and now in my therapeutic blog.

Later that evening, when my husband returned home from work (his employer allowed him to work from home on my dialysis & doctors appointment days), then after her golf lessons, we hurried back to Ross. By now, my husband was grumpy from such a long day of his own, and like many men, didn't want to spend all night in a store spending more money, but my daughter was determined to show her daddy how she looked in these dresses. And with reluctance in seeing a confirmation of how much his little girl had grown, he saw. Saw the beginning of a new world for our family. Dresses. And eventually, shoes and purses galore. Wow, amazing.

Hopefully she learns quickly how to master the sewing machine she owns. Yeah, a sewing, crocheting, knitting, doll playing tomboy -- and lover of love. Hugs, kisses; stuffed animals and stories & cartoons about friendship.

Maybe we both will improve on our sewing skills, which has been a goal for us both. I can see my husband in the fabric stores with his eyes crossed. Like I mentioned before, a new world for us.We'll lovingly go for the ride with her. Adventure through this life supporting, nurturing and loving her.

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