Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's the end of the weekend. I'm hot. I'm uncomfortable. I'm thirsty. Too afraid, too cautious to consume any more liquids. *Need to invest in a home scale to better monitor any fluid gain.

Hubby and I were fortunate enough to finally be able to go on a spontaneous date night. Thankfully our eighteen year old son is home to supervise our eleven year old daughter.

Went to Black Angus for dinner. I had rib eye steak and salad. Ate half and boxed the rest. Sipped on my husbands Arnold Palmer, divulged in the pleasure of a swallow or two of an adult fruity beverage; and didn't drink any of my requested water w/ lemon.

Regardless of my mindful regulations, I'm still panicked to drink anything today (even these two ice cubes) as my regular weekly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) resumes tomorrow. I don't want to risk showing up too heavy after the required before/after dialysis weighing.

After dinner we went to a movie, saw The Gift, staring Jason Bateman (quality actor to watch on screen) and Rebecca Hall (cute haircut I was fantasizing throughout about - wondering how would it look on certain people). *There was this female adjacent to me with  one of those huge, cold, pricey movie drinks (I could hear the clashing of the ice) which I secretly craved. Being a frugal person, the enormous cost prevented me from asking my husband for one. Cost, size disciplined me for sure.

The Gift reminds me of the psychological and physical power a bully or mean spirited person has over their target/victim. The long lasting damage negative actions does on the victim. The journey of both parties being [wounded people] through denial, remorse, anger vengeance, forgiveness.

Once the movie was over, I noticed the longer lines, the diverse crowds, police presence over the movie, Straight Outta Compton (starting at 11:15pm). Of course this energy provoked more curiosity in me, so I asked my husband if it was okay if we stayed later to experience it.

We joined the line of mostly young people. While there, I stood nerdily awkward, [holding the yellow basket I keep all my fun activities and necessities in; wearing my peacock blue knitted triangle shawl around my shoulders] knitting a burgundy Ascot hat in the round to pass the time.

This movie was probably better than most expected. I enjoyed the quality of the actors {a former inspiring thespian myself}, the pacing of the film and the throwback beats - old-school rap, favorite. Being a native of Compton myself, a peer (age wise) of the characters depicted in film, growing up in the era of the infancy of such sounds, I could remember most of the locations and situations depicted.

It was so cool having modern times gadgets while in a movie theater. Not only did I have in my basket a yarn project, I had my tablet (Samsung) and my cellular ( Iphone). During our date, I periodically texted my son inquiring how everything was going. My daughter has a very strong, determined personality; while my son, more laid back and chill, yet assertive.

I felt young, rejuvenated arriving home in the 2 a.m. darkness & stillness of the night. Certainly we must cease every opportunity with our son being home to supervise (aside from once or twice, we have never allowed [risked] anyone to watch our kids, not even relatives). This way they'll have their time, being close despite age difference. And we'll have some much needed and earned adult time.

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